Very short stories
Arthur Suydam, an iconic comic and sci-fi artist, illustrates and writes about the moment he began to draw.

Arthur Suydam, an iconic comic and sci-fi artist, illustrates and writes about the moment he began to draw.
What can be said in six words or less? Quite a lot. A limitless source for brainstorming showcases tiny stories with big hearts. Browse through the site and you’ll notice not all projects are limited to six words. A current project gathering material for an upcoming book “The Moment,” will be a compilation of stories of how a single moment changed ones life in a profound way. Not limited to six words the stories can be a few words or as long as 750 words. They can also be told told via a single or short series of images.
Pocket-sized and poignant, a published collection of the best Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak: by Writers Famous and Obscure tells a lot about love and heartbreak in six words and the first printed compilation It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure are both examples of Smith Magazines earlier compilations and a great example of bottom up publishing.
Both the site and the books are best read in short bursts or bring with you to fire up some conversations.